How VET pathways can work for elite athletes
VET has been the foundation of Australia’s strong and vibrant economy. It produces industry leaders, offers great diversity and career paths, supports Australia’s resources and primary industries, builds our cities and monuments, supports our Tourism and heritage and a whole lot more.
During National Skills Week (23-29 August 2021), the AIS worked with partners to deliver a range of online presentations to raise awareness about opportunities and pathways for elite athletes and high performance staff through Vocational Education and Training (VET).
Presentation 1: CQU - TAFE Division - Hyperflexible learning - What is micro-credentialing and where can it lead to?
Learn more about Vocational Education and Training - why choose a VET pathway and where will it lead me?
Featuring AIS Career Practitioner, Leonie Stanfield.
Presentation 2: What type of VET courses and subjects are best and studying remotely at TAFE?
Learn about the different structure of VET courses - Cert I-IV, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and how these can lead to Higher Education in Universities.
Featuring AIS Career Practitioner, Gabby Ripoll.
Presentation 3: Can Apprenticeships or Traineeships work for elite athletes?
Learn about how study can fit with being an elite athlete.
Featuring AIS Career Practitioner Michelle Mitchell and Athlete, Jayden Atkinson.
Presentation 4: How can the AIS Career Practitioner Referral Network help you articulate your transferable skills?
Learn how an AIS career practitioner can help you articulate your transferable skills ready for work.
Featuring AIS Career Practitioner Lois Keay-Smith